People previously associated with TCS@Liverpool:

current members

Duncan Adamson St Anrews

PhD Student

Former Research Groups:  ACTO

Research Interests:  Combinatoricscomplexity theory

Trevor Bench-Capon retired


Former Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Practical reasoningvalue based reasoninglegal reasoning, argumentation and narrative

Thomas Carroll

University Teacher   

Former Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  High performance computingBioinformaticsString algorithmsCombinatorial Optimization

Giorgos Christodoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Former Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithmic Game TheoryAlgorithmic Mechanism DesignOnline AlgorithmsInefficiency of Equilibriaapproximation algorithms

Frans Coenen retired


Former Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Machine learning and big data analytics in the context of unusual data setsData mining over encrypted data and applications of machine learning in the fields of personalised health, infectious diseases and AI and Law

Rathish Das


Former Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Parallel AlgorithmsExternal-Memory AlgorithmsApproximation and Randomized Algorithms

Aris Filos-Ratsikas


Former Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithmic Game TheoryAlgorithmic Mechanism DesignComputational Fair DivisionComputational Complexity

Marie Fortin CNRS, Paris, IRIF


Former Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  automata theorylogic

Yannis Goulermas


Former Research Groups:  ACTO

Research Interests:  Machine learningpattern recognitiondata analytics, modelling and optimisation

Christian Ikenmeyer

Senior Lecturer

Former Research Groups:  ACTO

Research Interests:  Complexity theoryTensor rankComputational representation theoryAlgebraic combinatoricsAlgebraic geometry

Piotr Krysta Augusta University, GA, USA


Former Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Combinatorial & continuous optimisationapproximation algorithmsalgorithmic mechanism designalgorithmic game theorygraph algorithmsstatistical learning theoryrandomised algorithms & probabilistic analysiscomputational complexity

Rida Laraki Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) and CNRS


Former Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Game theorysocial choiceeconomic theoryoptimization, learning, and operations research

Karoliina Lehtinen CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, LIS


Former Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests: 

Angrosh Mandya

University Teacher   

Former Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsMachine Learning

Reino Niskanen

University Teacher   

Former Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Decidability questions in different computational models

Fabio Papacchini

University Teacher   

Former Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Knowledge RepresentationOBDAQuery Answering, RewritingAutomated ReasoningTableaux MethodsModal LogicsDescription Logics and Model Generation

Alkmini Sgouritsa


Former Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithmic Game Theory with focus on Cost-Sharing Games, Auctions and Fair Allocations

Martin Zimmermann


Former Research Groups:  ACTOVerification

Research Interests:  Turning reactive synthesis from a decision problem into an optimization problem by studying quantitative winning conditions, by turning qualitative conditions into quantitative ones, and by developing algorithms to compute optimal winning strategies.