Academic Staff

Katie Atkinson

Professor email EEE, 607    

Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  AI and Lawcomputational models of argumentdialogue games

Paul Dunne

Professor email Ashton 2.04    

Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Algorithms and complexity in abstract argumentation formalismsanalysis of argumentation frameworks and semantics via combinatorial paradigms

John Fearnley

Reader email Ashton 3.22    

Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithmic Game Theorycomputational complexityformal verification

Module coordinator for:  COMP396 COMP105

Martin Gairing

Professor email Ashton 3.03    

Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithmic Game Theoryefficiency of equilibriacombinatorial optimisationapproximation algorithmsthe price of anarchyalgorithms

Lorenzo Gheri

Lecturer email Ashton G12c    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  Programming LanguagesProof AssistantsConcurrency and distributed systems

Floriana Grasso

Lecturer email Ashton G.16    

Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Argument and ComputationComputational RhetoricUser Modelling

Leszek Gąsieniec

Professor email Ashton 3.21    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  AlgorithmsDistributed Computing and CommunicationNetworks and Search Problems with applications

Module coordinator for:  COMP533 COMP702

Xiaowei Huang

Professor email Ashton 2.22    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  Trustworthy Machine LearningVerification and ValidationModel Checking

Ullrich Hustadt

Reader email Ashton 1.03    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  Resolution-based and tableaux-based decision procedures for decidable fragments of first-order logic, including fragments resulting from the relational, semi-functional and optimised functional translation of decidable propositional modal logics

Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen

Lecturer email Holt 2.01C    

Research Groups:  ECCOVerification

Research Interests:  Game theory, specifically two player zero-sum gamesstatic analysis and evolutionary theoretical biology

Boris Konev

Professor email Ashton 1.15    

Research Groups:  ARKVerification

Research Interests:  Description logics, ontologies, automated reasoning, temporal logic, specification and verification formalisms, proof complexity, deduction systems, and practical applications of formal methods

Louwe Kuijer

Lecturer email Holt 215a    

Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Modal logics, especially dynamic epistemic logic

Vitaliy Kurlin

Professor email MIF / Holt 2.01D    

Research Groups:  ACTO

Research Interests:  New methods of Geometric and Topological Data Science with applications to Materials, Computer Vision and Climate

Alexei Lisitsa

Senior Lecturer email    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  VerificationFormal MethodsSecurityApplied Automated ReasoningApplied Machine Learning

Nikhil Mande

Lecturer email Ashton 3.14    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  ComplexityQuery complexityCommunication complexityQuantum computingAnalysis of Boolean functionsApproximation theory

Module coordinator for:  COMP335 Communicating Computer Science COMP202 Complexity of Algorithms

Othon Michail

Senior Lecturer email Holt 2.14    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Distributed ComputingAlgorithms and ComplexityComputabilityAlgorithmic Theory of Dynamic Networks, and Programmable Matter

Anish Mukherjee

Lecturer email Ashton G.22C    

Research Groups:  NetworksACTO

Research Interests:  Dynamic Algorithms and ComplexityParallel AlgorithmsStreaming AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingNetwork Design

Terry Payne

Senior Lecturer email Ashton 2.18    

Research Groups:  Networks

Research Interests:  The use of ontological knowledge for the support of agent-based service discovery and the exploration of dialogue-based negotiation approaches to establish contextually-relevant ontological alignment between interacting agents on the fly

Igor Potapov

Professor email Ashton 3.15    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Reachability questionsautomataformal languages,semigroups and iterative mapsAlgorithms and combinatorics on wordsabstract algebratopology and computation theoryDistributed computational models

David Purser

Lecturer email Ashton 3.20    

Research Groups:  VerificationACTO

Research Interests:  automataweighted automatavector addition systemscomputer-aided verification

Module coordinator for:  COMP517

Rahul Savani

Professor email Holt 2.15    

Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Game theoryAlgorithms & ComplexityMachine LearningAutomated TradingAgent-Based Modelling

Sven Schewe

Professor email    

Research Groups:  ACTOVerification

Research Interests:  Automata theorygame theory (especially finite games of infinite duration) verificationreinforcement learningtemporal logicMarkov games and decision processescontrol theoryequilibriaagent & game logics

Friedrich Slivovsky

Lecturer email Ashton 2.02    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  SatisfiabilityQuantified Boolean FormulasKnowledge Compilation

Module coordinator for:  COMP331 / COMP557

Paul Spirakis

Professor email    

Research Groups:  ECCONetworks

Research Interests:  AlgorithmsComplexityFoundations of Distributed Computing and AlgorithmicGame Theory

Joachim Spoerhase

Lecturer email Ashton 3.11    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworksDMML

Research Interests:  Approximation AlgorithmsParameterised ApproximationCombinatorial OptimisationGeometric OptimisationClusteringNetwork Design

Module coordinator for:  COMP211 Computer Networks

John Sylvester

Lecturer email Ashton 2.23    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  random processesrandom graphsMarkov chains(temporal) graph theoryanalysis of algorithmsalgorithm science

Module coordinator for:  COMP523 Advanced Algorithmic Techniques

Valentina Tamma

Lecturer email Ashton 2.12    

Research Groups:  ARK

Research Interests:  Ontologies in open and distributed environmentsAI methods in dynamic knowledge evolution & adaptationOntology design, ontology management, semantic integrationontology evolutionknowledge acquisition

Tony Tan

Lecturer email

Research Groups:  Verification

Qiyi Tang

Lecturer email    

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  Trustworthy Machine LearningVerification and ValidationModel Checking

Patrick Totzke

Professor email Ashton 3.19    

Research Groups:  VerificationACTO

Research Interests:  game theorylogicsautomataverification

Konstantinos Tsakalidis

Lecturer email Ashton 1.13    

Research Groups:  ACTOECCO

Research Interests:  Algorithms and data structurescomputational geometrygraph processing

Module coordinator for:  COMP222 Principles of Computer Game Design and Implementation

Sebastian Wild

Senior Lecturer email Ashton 2.23    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  data structuresefficient algorithmscomputation over compressed datasortinganalysis of algorithmsalgorithm science

Module coordinator for:  COMP526 Applied Algorithmics COMP555 Advances in TCS

Dominik Wojtczak

Reader email    

Research Groups:  ACTOECCOVerification

Research Interests:  Probabilistic systemsgame theorycoalition gamescontrol theoryverification of embedded systems

Frank Wolter

Professor email Ashton 1.14    

Research Groups:  ARKVerification

Research Interests:  Knowledge RepresentationReasoning and Logic in Computer Science

Prudence Wong

Professor email Ashton 3.18    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Design and analysis of algorithms for optimization problemson-line and approximation algorithmsenergy efficient schedulinggraph and network algorithmsnetwork communication algorithmscomputational biology

Viktor Zamaraev

Senior Lecturer email Ashton 2.23    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  graph theorycombinatoricstemporal graphsdiscrete mathematics

Module coordinator for:  COMP337/527 Data Mining and Visualisation

Michele Zito

Lecturer email Ashton 3.06    

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  Combinatorics and ComputingDiscrete Mathematics and Algorithmicsrandom structuresrandomized algorithmsSmart Energy and Computational Sustainability



Postdoc email Ashton 3.10

Supervisors:  Sebastian Wild

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Sougata Bose


Supervisors:  Patrick Totzke

Research Groups:  ACTOVerification

Research Interests:  automata theorylogictimed automata

Daniele Dell'Erba


Supervisors:  Sven Schewe

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  game theory

Yong Li


Supervisors:  Sven Schewe

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  verificationreinforcement learning

Soumyajit Paul


Supervisors:  Sven Schewe

Research Groups:  ACTOVerificationECCO

Research Interests:  game theoryverification

Di-De Yen


Supervisors:  Patrick Totzke

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  automata theory


Nada Almalki

PhD student

Supervisors:  Othon Michail and Viktor Zamaraev

Research Groups:  NetworksACTO

Research Interests:  Dynamic networksTemporal graphs

Peter Austin

PhD student

Supervisors:  Patrick Totzke and Sven Schewe

Research Groups:  Verification

Research Interests:  automatagame theory

Jacopo Castellini

PhD Student

Supervisors:  Rahul Savani

Research Groups:  DMML

Research Interests:  Multi-agent Reinforcement LearningDeep Learning

Nestoras Chalkidis

PhD Student

Supervisors:  Rahul Savani

Research Groups:  ECCO

Research Interests:  Automated TradingDeep LearningMachine Learning

Elektra Kypridemou

PhD Student    

Supervisors:  Michele Zito and Marco Bertamini

Research Groups:  Networks

Research Interests:  Graph TheoryVisual PerceptionGraph DrawingInformation VisualitationKnowledge RepresentationArtificial Intelligence

Eva Onokpasa

PhD student email    

Supervisors:  Sebastian Wild and Prudence Wong

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  compressionRNA secondary structuresconstraint-satisfaction problems

Ben Smith

PhD student email    

Supervisors:  Sebastian Wild and Leszek Gąsieniec

Research Groups:  ACTONetworks

Research Interests:  bamboo garden trimmingalgorithm science