4 Oct 2024 Two papers accepted at SODA’25! Congrats to Joachim Spoerhase and his co-authors.
15 Sep 2024 TCS@Liverpool is pleased to welcome several new colleagues this summer: Daniel Hausmann, Anish Mukherjee, Lutz Oettershagen, William Rosenbaum, Joachim Spoerhase, Karteek Sreenivasaiah and Shufang Zhu.
2 Sep 2024 The paper “On the Exponential Growth of Geometric Shapes” has won the Best Student Paper Award at ALGOWIN 2024. Congratulations to TCS@Liverpool PhD student Nada Almalki, her supervisor and coauthor Othon Michail, and coauthor Siddharth Gupta!
18 Apr 2024 5 Papers accepted at ICALP/LICS/FSCD! Congrats to Viktor Zamarev, John Sylvester, Tony Tan, David Purser, Sougata Bose, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen, Patrick Totzke, John Fearnley, Spencer Gordon, and Rahul Savani! In addition, members of our department organise Algorithmic Aspects of Temporal Graphs, a collocated workshop.
30 Oct 2023 The paper “Model Checking Strategies from Synthesis Over Finite Traces” has won the Best Paper Award at ATVA 2023. Congratulations to TCS@Liverpool researcher Yong Li and coathors Suguman Bansal, Lucas Martinelli Tabajara, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Andrew Wells.
18 Sep 2023 Congratulations to Sebastian Wild for his newly awarded EPSRC NIA grant “Computing over Compressed Graph-Structured Data”.
18 Sep 2023 Congratulations to Patrick Totzke (PI), Qiyi Tang and Sven Schewe (CIs) on their upcoming EPSRC grant on “Games for Good”.
5 Sep 2023 The Department of Computer Science is advertising 4 positions at Lecturer/SL level. Closing date is 15 October 2023.
28 Jul 2023 New opportunity for early career researchers: The University of Liverpool Research Fellowships provide funding to join us for five years. Apply by October 1st, 2023!
6 Jul 2023 Paper Optimality Guarantees for Crystal Structure Prediction coauthored by TCS staff Vladimir Gusev, Duncan Adamson, Piotr Krysta, Igor Potapov, and Paul Spirakis appeared in the journal Nature (University news item).
9 Jun 2023 The Networks Science & Technology Group is organizing Liverpool Algorithms Days on June 12-13, 2023.
30 Mar 2023 The Department of Computer Science is advertising 2 positions at Lecturer/SL level. Closing date is 18 April 2023.
1 Mar 2023 TCS@Liverpool will host an open problem day on 30 Mar 23 at Blackburne House, see more info.
11 Oct 2022 The Department of Computer Science is advertising 2 Lectureships. Closing date is 8 November 2022.
3 Sep 2022 Congratulations to Sven Schewe (PI), Daniele Dell’Erba, Patrick Totzke, and Dominik Wojtczak (CIs) with their EPSRC New Horizon grant on “Under the Branches of Universal Trees”
20 May 2022 The Department of Computer Science is advertising 4 Lectureships. Closing date for applications is 17 June 2022.
12 May 2022 With great sadness, we report that our beloved colleague and friend Yannis Goulermas passed away on 12 May 2022. He will be sorely missed.
10 Mar 2022 The Department of Computer Science is co-organising the 1st Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND 2022) which will take place between March 28-30. Registration is now open and free of charge for participants, but mandatory to facilitate planning.
18 Feb 2022 Congratulations to John Fearnley (PI) and Rahul Savani (Co-PI) with their new £542K EPSRC grant on “The Next Generation of Hardness Results in Total Search”.
6 Feb 2022 2 Papers accepted at STOC 2022! Congrats to John Fearnley, Sebastian Wild and Viktor Zamaraev.
26 Jan 2022 Congratulations to Christian Ikenmeyer with his new £344K EPSRC grant on “Algebraic complexity theory via the algebraic geometry and representation theory of generalised continued fractions”. Congratulations to Purnata Ghosal who is a named RA on the grant!
1 Dec 2021 4 Papers accepted at AAAI 2021: congrats to Danushka Bollegala, Giorgos Christodoulou, Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Nicos Protopapas, and Paul Spirakis!
12 Nov 2021 The Department of Computer Science is advertising 6 Lectureships. Closing date for applications is 10 January 2022.
21 Oct 2021 This years’ Reachability Problems conference will take place (virtually) in Liverpool. More details here: https://rp2021.csc.liv.ac.uk/.
2 Oct 2021 Paper accepted at ALENEX 2022: congrats to Leszek Gasieniec, Ben Smith, and Sebastian Wild!
16 Sep 2021 2 Papers accepted at WINE 2021: congrats to Aris Filos-Ratsikas and Alkmini Sgouritsa!
17 Aug 2021 4 Papers accepted at FOCS 2021: congrats to Giorgos Christodoulou, Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Leszek Gasieniec, and Viktor Zamaraev!
1 Jul 2021 Congratulations to Patrick Totzke with his new £349K EPSRC grant on “COSTRA – The Cost of Winning Strategies”.
30 Jun 2021 4 Papers accepted at MFCS 2021: congrats to Marie Fortin, Louwe B. Kuijer, Sven Linker, Fabio Papacchini, Paul Spirakis, Patrick Totzke and Martin Zimmermann!
23 Jun 2021 Papers accepted at ESA 2021: Hypersuccinct trees
1 Jun 2021 A warm welcome to Sougata Bose who starts his postdoc with us today!
1 May 2021 New TCS@liv webpage online.
29 Mar 2021 Welcome to this year’s British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS).
5 Mar 2021 Congrats to Rahul Savani, John Fearnley and co-authors Paul W. Goldberg and Alexandros Hollender (U. Oxford) whose paper “The Complexity of Gradient Descent: CLS = PPAD ∩ PLS” won the STOC 2021 best paper award!