Sorted by career stage, this page collects opportunities to engage with or become part of TCS @ Liverpool.

Tenured Positions

Current vacancies can be found on the UoL Recruitment Portal and
General info about Academic positions at Liverpool can be found one the University’s Carreers pages.

Early Career Fellowships

There are several competitive fellowship schemes to support talented researchers who are not already holding a permanent position.

These typically offer between 2 and 5 years of full salary plus additional funds for travel and hardware and so on. For externally funded schemes, applications are made directly to the external funders and nominate a host institution. We welcome enquiries from anyone who wants to apply to such a fellowship with Liverpool as host and are happy to support your application at best as possible. Keep in mind that putting an application together takes quite a bit of time, so please contact us well in advance to discuss an application.

For specific eligibility requirements, funding conditions and deadlines for fellowship schemes check out their websites directly:


Want to do a PhD with us? Great! The first thing to do is to contact potential supervisors to see if they are willing to take you on.

For funding, there are several routes.

  • Firstly, there are currently two Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) associated with our department. Risk and Uncertainty and Distributed Algorithms. These offer a 4 year funding and already propose some project topics.

  • If you have a project in mind and a proposal ready, you can apply directly to the EPSRC for funding, or UoLs Duncan Norman Scholarship.

  • Your chosen supervisor may have secured external funding for PhDs, or can apply for departmental funding with you.

MSc Course “Theoretical Computer Science”

The Department of Computer Science offers a specialist MSc course Theoretical Computer Science as a fast-track route into research.

TCS @ Liverpool contributes to the course with a variety of modules:

Postgraduate research

  • Summer Research Internships: If you are a current undergraduate student considering a MSc, or later career in research, a summer research internship would be an excellent starting point. These usually run in between term times, from June to September. To arrange an internship you can get in contact with potential supervisor by email.

  • The faculty has a number of studentships for PG students. Check out the UoL PG funding pages.